Media bashing by politicians

by R. M. A. B. Dassanayake

(February 12, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) In a recent political discussion related to the controversial water-management issue conducted by a private TV channel in its once a week nightly programme, a prominent minister involved in the very subject under discussion was seen uttering some deplorable words to the disgust of genteel softspoken TV viewers.

They were aghast at the way the minister denounced in contemptible manner those who had the courage to point out the likelihood of ill effects related to the-contemplated water management scheme. Those who had indicated some form of foreboding or suspicion towards the scheme under review were branded as half witted-nincompoops (Mandha Buddhikas) and mentally deranged nitwits.

The possibility of adverse longterm harmful effects that may arise from the so called water-management scheme pointed out by the panellists - an eminent environmentalist, a knowledgeable mediaman and a pragmatic Irrigation Engineer - was adroitly shrugged off as non existent by the minister who stuck to his line of thinking - asserting the superiority of his learning and experience in the administrative field.

However, when a TV watcher on a communication phone link objected to the minister's use of ill chosen epithets of ridicule and contempt directed on all and sundry, the latter hastened to explain that what he had targetted were the mediamen.

This type of prejudiced and inimical mind set of our legislators towards the media is apparently because the media persons exposed and spotlighted some of the obnoxious doings of politicians and their attempts at deceiving the people on various issues. It may also be due to their own mistaken belief that they are all knowing super beings who are paragons of perfection and virtue and that they need no advice or guidance from anybody.

Whether intelligent TV viewers approved or disapproved of the controversial comments of the minister and the view points of the other panellists at the discussion, is a different matter and that should not be a cause for the use of incivil impolite derogatory terms.

Impartial and sane TV viewers would no doubt condemn such utterances as unbecoming of a gentleman - whether politician or ordinary citizen.

It is incomprehensible why and how some of our politicians who had been quite friendly and polite persons before they were elevated as parliamentary members and therefrom to ministerial rank could display conceit and arrogance in their dealings with people especially when they address political meetings and participate in such discussions.